Kangen Water As an Antioxidant
and Its Advantages over the Competition!
Without the platinum you will not get the true healing powers of electrolysis water. It is actually a well-known fact in the production of electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell that platinum acts as a catalyst causing the hydrogen gas in ionized water to release its electrons. When applied to water ionization through electrolysis it explains the creation of the antioxidant properties of Kangen WaterTM. This vitally important phenomenon happens based on 2 significant factors:
1. The higher the electrical wattage the more completely water is broken into hydroxyl ions (OH-) and Hydrogen gas (H2).
1. The more H2 present in the water and the more platinum it is exposed to the greater the amount of antioxidant free electrons created. You may get a negative ORP and high pH with mineral chargers but without the medical grade platinum and high wattage you will have incomplete electrolysis – very unhealthy – read below
As most of you already know, ionization happens when water, HOH, dissociates into H2 and OH-. The most efficient and effective way to accomplish this utilizes electricity. When electricity passes through water this dissociation happens quickly. The greater the electrical charge and the longer the water is exposed to this electrical charge, the more complete the ionization.
That is why water ionizing units use metal plates. Metal plates conduct electricity, and that electrical charge is what causes the dissociation of the water molecules. This brings up several points to consider:
1. Some metals are better electrical conductors than others. For instance, some manufacturers use aluminum, stainless steel, copper, white gold or metallic alloys. The most reputable companies use titanium and platinum.
1. During the electrolysis process these metals give up varying amounts of their metal into the water.
2. Titanium is chosen because it is a very dense metal. This makes it a good conductor of electricity over a very long period of time. Additionally, its density keeps it from readily breaking down in water. That is one of the reasons it is the preferred metal used in medical grade screws and pins to hold bones together. However when it does break down, it is considered toxic to the body.
3. Platinum is chosen because, unlike titanium, in minute amounts it is actually a trace mineral that has many health benefits.
4. The more heavily coated the plates, the longer it will take to break down the platinum and expose the titanium. (Of course the heavier the coating, the greater the manufacturing costs.)
5. [This is undoubtedly THE most important factor regarding platinum which I did not know in 2007 – it is the contribution of Dr. Curt Eastin’s endless hours of research. It is actually a well-known fact in the production of electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell that platinum acts as a catalyst causing the hydrogen gas in ionized water to release its electrons. When applied to water ionization through electrolysis it explains the creation of the antioxidant properties of Kangen WaterTM. This vitally important phenomenon happens based on 2 significant factors:
2. The higher the electrical wattage the more completely water is broken into hydroxyl ions (OH-) and Hydrogen gas (H2).
3. The more H2 present in the water and the more platinum it is exposed to the greater the amount of antioxidant free electrons created.
This is what we call the “Magic of Enagic”. pH should total 14
What about other manufacturer’s Mineral Charged Filters
pH does not total 14 – incomplete ionization
Minerals automatically ionize in when dissolved in water. This does not require any additional processing or electricity to complete the process. It is simply a natural chemical reaction. Ionizing inorganic minerals does not make them more absorbable by the human body. The more minerals that are added to the water, the greater the load and the harder the body has to work to eliminate them.
This is NOT a feature it is a liability. These excessive inorganic minerals have been linked to arthritis, cataracts, bone spurs, kidney and gallstones and gout.]
page19 - Dr Peggy Parker
What about the calcium sulfite in the filters?
Enagic’s filters accomplish this by using 3 components (Fig. 4, 5):
1. Calcium Sulfite (CaSO3) used for its biocidal or disinfecting properties
2. Antibacterial granular activated carbon
3. Mechanical filter that filters to 5 microns
I must point out that if these companies actually understood the process of ionization through electrolysis they would never use such weak arguments.
Calcium Sulfite is a naturally occurring mineral CaSO3. It is used in Enagic’s filters as a disinfectant to clean the water before it enters the carbon filter. It does not tend to combine easily with water and when ionized it will break into –Calcium ions, and +Sulfur ions.
Remember the Calcium and Sulfur in their ionized forms they are separated by charge and the sulfur ion is discharged in the acid waters. The Calcium is present in the alkaline water.
Document: Dr. Peggy Parker
Can I over alkalize?
There are NO diseases or dis-ease associated with being too alkaline. You cannot be sick and alkaline. Sodium bicarbonate is produced by the body as the #1 buffer of dietary and/or metabolic acid to maintain the alkalinity of the blood and then the tissues. In the body, it takes 20 molecules of sodium bicarbonate to buffer or neutralize 1 part of carbonic acid in order to maintain a blood and/or tissue pH of 7.35 to 7.4. That is a staggering 20 to 1 ratio
Document: Dr. Robert Young –Too Much Alkaline
It is important to remember that large amounts of hydrochloric acid are present in the stomach primarily when food is there. There is only a small amount of acid in stomach when it is empty, and this can be easily overcome when alkaline electron-rich water is consumed. Therefore, in order to gain maximum benefit, we recommend drinking alkaline water in between meals. Water consumed between meals will very quickly pass through the stomach and the GI tract.
Dr. / Scientist Ray Kuzweil - 6 common questions
What about the chemicals Enagic uses in their machines? (electrolysis solution)
The Electrolysis Enhancer is simple saline at a specific dilution to provide optimal results in the creation of Strong Kangen WaterTM and Strong Acid Water. It is never advisable to drink saline solution. This warning is also on all bottles of saline which can be purchased at any drug store for a variety of uses.
What about the high price because of MLM? Why the high cost of Enagic Machines
- Many unscrupulous competitors emphasize that network marketing is a "pyramid" which is why the Enagic costs double the competition, and that people can save money by buying a cheaper brand on the internet.
- In reality, Enagic costs more because of the higher cost of materials: It’s is for long term use by hospitals, not an appliance you throw away, and hospitals demand long term performance and durability. If you are dealing with your own personal health for fifteen years, who wouldn't want to steer away from cheap imitations?
Watch this http://kangendemo.com/
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(1) 512-505-6833, Option 2 (Listen 24/7) 5 Minute Kangen Overview
(2) http://www.kangendemo.com/ Watch Pat Boone Video of Water Kangen® Demo - 23 minutes
(3) www.americanaci.org/living-water.html Read "Restructured Ionized Water Could Save Your Life."
(4) http://www.youtube.com/changeyourwater#p/a/u/0/MQLBCulVtN8 (Japanese TV News Clips of Kangen Water® in Hospitals)
(5) http://www.powerlineteam.com/Events.html SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING DEMOS & TRAINING EVENTS
(6) Call me at 210-782-9055 to try Kangen water for FREE or with any questions
(1) 512-505-6833, Option 2 (Listen 24/7) 5 Minute Kangen Overview
(2) http://www.kangendemo.com/ Watch Pat Boone Video of Water Kangen® Demo - 23 minutes
(3) www.americanaci.org/living-water.html Read "Restructured Ionized Water Could Save Your Life."
(4) http://www.youtube.com/changeyourwater#p/a/u/0/MQLBCulVtN8 (Japanese TV News Clips of Kangen Water® in Hospitals)
(5) http://www.powerlineteam.com/Events.html SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING DEMOS & TRAINING EVENTS
(6) Call me at 210-782-9055 to try Kangen water for FREE or with any questions
(7) http://downloadmyebook.com/bass/ (60 Credible Personal Testimonials)
Call now 210-782-9055
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