Friday, August 19, 2011

World-Wide Life Expectancy

Notice that Japan is #1 as The United States is just below Cuba at #38!
life expect.

It is time for us to wake up and think about prevention instead of focusing upon cure.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is a Natural Approach to Healing?

Did you know the human body is capable of staying well and fighting off illness naturally? When faced with germs, bacteria and harmful exposure to chemicals in the environment, a body at optimal health has all the natural defenses it needs.
Unfortunately, many people are living with a body that is not performing at its peak. This can be due to a wide range of contributing factors, such as lack of hydration, poor diet, lack of sleep, environmental exposure to chemicals, and chronic stress, which can damage a body's carefully balanced natural defense system. All of these factors can lead to an overload of the immune system, which places more stress on the body.
The esteemed Mayo Clinic reports the following:
The long-term activation of the stress-response system and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt almost all your body's processes."1 That's serious business for those of us who are trying to stay healthy. And it explains why countless consumers feel fatigued on a daily basis and battle sickness all too often.
The good news is that the symptoms of stress and poor health can be dealt with naturally! A stressed out body very often lacks proper nutrition, practices poor sleeping habits, and neglects proper hydration. This cycle of stress and poor hydration can be broken by drinking enough healthy water daily. In general, you should try to drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.2
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

The Solution - Healthy Kangen Water®!

There's no need to turn to medication to achieve a healthy pH level. You can effortlessly defend your body against imbalance by consuming healthy, mild tasting water that is friendly to Mother Nature.
Alkaline Ionized Enagic® Water Systems produce clean water that is never stripped of the important minerals your body needs to stay well. Your Enagic® Water machine will conveniently connect to your kitchen faucet, so you can naturally give your immune system a boost without stepping outside your home!
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!
Are you ready to experience Alkaline Ionized Enagic® Kangen Water® Systems?
Trust water ionizers from Enagic® to help you achieve a healthy body, naturally. This extraordinary machine was developed 37 years ago in Japan and has been used by countless individuals all over the world as a means to achieve the best health possible. It's not a fad, it's a solution!
Find out how ionized Kangen Water® can help you live a naturally healthy life!

David Bass
Enagic Independent Distributor
Longview, Texas
For a demo go to
Listen to 512-505-6833 opt 1
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To learn how Kangen Water can help make your life more GREEN, visit:
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Cruciferous vegetables are anti-cancer foods

Cruciferous vegetables are anti-cancer foods

Friday, August 12, 2011

Your Amazing Immune System

Do you take any of these drugs on a regular basis?
  • Aspirin/Pain medication
  • Cold medicines
  • Allergy medications
  • Antibiotics
Ask yourself why would you take these artificial chemicals into your body? Is it because you lack a strong immune system or because you've been told you have to take drugs to stay healthy?
Your body actually has an amazing ability to protect itself from harm through the natural immune system. When your body is healthy, your immune system can defend itself against millions of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. When you are run down, you may believe that pills are the only answer. This is a socially accepted norm that many people resort to. But it's not always the best option.

What's Inside That Medication?

Take some time today to read through the ingredients in your medicine cabinet. You'll most likely find a long list of complicated words that are difficult to pronounce. Although they may sound very scientific, you will be left with no better understanding of what is actually in the pills you are taking.
The truth is that many medications can actually cause adverse side effects in the human body. Listen to television and radio commercials and you will most likely start hearing advertisements for lawsuits about previously acceptable medications that have caused serious problems.

Your Body's Natural Defense - Hydration

Healthy Family
Staying hydrated and boosting your immune system naturally is a safe method to staying healthier. Water has no known side effects. Access to clean; pure water is convenient when you have an Enagic® water ionizer. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy.

You'll be surprised at how easy it is to boost your immune system, when you:1
  • Don't smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of clean water daily.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Wash your hands frequently and cook meats thoroughly.
  • Get regular medical screening tests for people in your age group and risk category.

How Can Kangen Water® Help?

Kangen Water
Kangen Water® is a better choice for hydrating your immune system. Your immune system can have a fighting chance of working properly when the fluids your body needs are at adequate levels. There are far too many people experiencing health issues due to poor hydration and exposure to harmful chemicals. Doctors at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic recommend drinking 8 to 9 cups of water daily for health. Furthermore, "water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues".2 There are so many reasons to stay hydrated with clean water, too numerous to list in this newsletter alone!
So stop relying solely on man-made medications to perform the tasks of your immune system. Drink Kangen Water® every day as part of your regimen for natural wellness. You'll be amazed at the results!
Drink Kangen Water® and Enjoy a Healthy Life!
For more information and understanding watch this
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Healthy Kangen Water® is More Than Just Drinking Water!

You already know that healthy Kangen Water® exists for drinking. But did you know that Enagic® has created an incredible water filtration device that also produces 5 different types of water useful for green cleaning? Imagine being able to keep your home cleaner the all-natural way!
Get your Kangen Water System TODAY!
The Kangen Water® system allows you control the pH level of the water it creates, giving you more options in home and laundry care. This gives you more value and allows you to have a more eco-friendly home, which is perfect for families and pet owners. Learn more about the different uses of Kangen Water® here:

Strong Kangen Water: (*Not for drinking*)
This type of water has a pH of 11.0. It is ideal for cleaning produce, dishes, cutting boards, and grime in and around your kitchen - without harmful chemicals. It's even great for getting out tough stains on surfaces like countertops and tile.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

Kangen Water®:
With a pH of 8.5-9.5, this type of water is perfect for drinking and healthy cooking. Kangen Water® is also good for gardening. Its alkaline pH properties work to provide optimal hydration. And the great taste of Kangen Water® is due to the unique filtering process that never strips out the natural minerals your body needs.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

Clean Water:
Strictly for drinking, this healthy water has a pH of 7.0. It contains no cloudiness or harmful chemicals. Therefore, it works wonderfully when preparing baby foods or taking medication.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

Acidic Water:
This slightly acidic water has a pH of 4.0-6.0. It has natural astringency, which makes it terrific to use for gentle cleaning and beauty care. Use this water to wash your face and hair. You can also use it in the rinse cycle of your laundry or when preparing food for freezing.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

Strong Acidic Water: (*Not for drinking*)
This water has a pH of 2.5, which has excellent cleaning characteristics. Acidic Water can be used to clean household surfaces and remove pesticides, dirt and other impurities from foods. It also makes a convenient hand sanitizer.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life!

So, imagine never having to buy store-bought household cleaners or expensive beauty care products again! Alkaline Ionized Enagic® Water Machines provide you with a greener alternative for most day-to-day household and beauty needs. Kangen Water® is a great solution for your budget, your health, and the environment!
David Bass
Enagic Independent Distributor
Longview, Texas
 For a demo go to
For more direct product information, visit:
To learn how Kangen Water can help make your life more GREEN, visit:
For an incredible presentation on becoming an Enagic Distributor, visit:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Use of Alkaline Water on Dairy Farms in Japan!


Water is an important but often overlooked nutrient for cows.

After the Japanese people were introduced to alkaline water and witnessed the positive health benefits and results were acquired through human consumption, the water was then introduced into dairy farms.
Alkaline water was used in place of tap water as the sole source of water for dairy cows. The results are detailed in the Japanese Report. See also Pennsylvania Report!
Twenty seven dairy farms took part in the clinical study and a report from a group of veterinarians is included. The source of each descriptive benefit is identified at the introduction of the report.

Overall observations of Dairy Cows from the report!

1. Enhanced milk production by 18% - 28%.
2. Significant improvement in the quality of milk.
3. Strong feces and urine odors were eliminated.
4. Healthier skin condition.
5. Decreased injury to the udder.
6. Reduced diarrhea
7. Strengthening of the legs by 26 % increased bone density.
8. Improved appetite.
9. Able to decrease mineral supplements routinely supplemented to the diet
10. As a result of improved health together with denser bone, the productive life of the cows was extended.
11. Greater fertility rate and reduced stillbirths.
12. A noticeably increased appetite; no new supplements were added to their diet. Increase in appetite noted in older cows as well.
13. Food well digested.
14. A beautiful sheen on the cow's hair.
15. Higher fertility rate; higher pregnancy rate.
16. New-born calves fed with alkaline water matured quicker.
17. A dramatic increase in milk production.
18. Improved liver condition.
19. Strengthened legs.
20. Minimizing of sicknesses; tremendously improved health condition. There were fewer visits by vets.
21. No adverse conditions noted from consumption of alkaline water.

The following are individual findings noted by each Japanese dairy farmer who replaced tap water with alkaline water.

A. Dairy Farm: Kasahara Ranch
Location: Nomura, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. G. Kasahara

1. The milk output increased from 7,000kg to 8,900kg, an increase of 27%.
2. The use of the alkali water instilled a preventive approach to the overall health condition of the dairy cow in lieu of reactive medical means. The overall health condition of the herd improved dramatically.

B. Dairy Farm: Shikawa Ranch
Location: Momembetsu, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. T. Shikawa

1. There was a noticeable improvement in the quality of the milk.
2. Despite the high temperature during the summer months, milk output had increased dramatically. During the previous summer months, milk output had declined.

C. Dairy Farm: Sudo Ranch
Location: Munetani, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. M. Sudo

NOTE: Unlike other dairy farms, this farmer had discontinued the use of alkali water to measure the effects of returning to normal tap water. The following were the effects noted:
1. The strong odors of the excrement returned after a period of time; (the foul odor had been eliminated through the consumption of alkali water.
2. The sheen that was once present on the cows had disappeared and the hair returned to a lackluster condition.
3. The frequency of diarrhea had increased.
4. Weakness was noticed in the cow’s legs as opposed to the strengthening of the cow’s legs during the use of alkali water.

D. Dairy Farm: Takahashi Ranch
Location: Notsuke, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. Takahashi.

1. The sickness rate was considerably reduced.

E. Dairy Farm: Hamanasu Ranch
Location: Mombetsu, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. S. Nakagawa.

1. The coloring of the udder became extremely healthy.
2. Due to the alkali consumption and its natural healing ability, the amount of injury to the udder had diminished.
3. The milk output has increased by 800 kg per cow. (NOTE: since there was no "before and after" numbers provided, the percentage increase could not be determined.)

F. Dairy Farm: Karita Ranch
Location: Notsuke, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. H. Karita

1. The results were excellent in every manner. Milk production was considerably higher, the sickness rate was down, problems associated with diarrhea were minimized, the foul odor from the excrement was gone, the cow's appetite was up, the sheen on the cow's hair was considerably higher and the overall quality of the milk was up.

G. Dairy Farm: Sunnydale Ranch
Location: Hyotsu, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. M. Danshora

1. In prior years, in an effort to increase milk production, increased feed was given to cows. With the use of alkali water, the need for increased feed was minimized.
2. Despite the pregnancy of the cow, the amount of milk production has not decreased. In prior pregnancies, the amount of milk production had decreased. This was noted in 9 out of 10 cows.
3. The improved health condition of the cows along with the stronger legs has reduced the turnover of cows. This has considerably improved the productive life span of each cow.

H. Dairy Farm: No Name Given
Location: Mombetsu, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. T. Yamaguchi

1. The overall skin condition of each cow had improved dramatically.
2. The foul odors associated with excrements and urine were eliminated with the consumption of alkali water.
3. The farm was able to reduce the amount of mineral supplements that were being added to the diet on account of the alkali water.
4. The newly born calves experienced no diarrhea.

I. Dairy Farm: Koizumi Ranch
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. T. Koizumi

1. The recovery period for cows giving birth had improved noticeably with the consumption of alkali water.
2. The cows have experienced increased appetite.
3. Despite the higher temperature during the summer months, the milk output had increased dramatically.
4. The consumption of alkali water had stabilized the pH factor for each cow

J. Dairy Farm: Honami MBB Ranch
Location: Joro, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. Y. Takigawa
1. There was a remarkable improvement in the quality of milk.
2. The cows increased their water intake, which resulted in increased milk production
3. The cows experienced reduced diarrhea.
4. There was a remarkable improvement in the hair and skin texture of every cow.

K. Dairy Farm: Aneshi Ranch
Location: Esachi, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. K. Aneshi

1. Due to the consumption of alkali water and the improved immunity levels, there were fewer injuries to the cow's udder during the milking process.
2. The milk output had increased from 282 tons to 360 tons or a 28% increase.
3. It was a financially and economically wise decision to use electrolysis alkali water.

L. Dairy Farm: Royal Farm
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. T. Sawamoto

1. The milk output had increased from a range of 7,000 to 7,300 kg to a higher output of 9,000 kg or a 28% increase.
2. Due to the unstable water condition, the farm had gone to electrolysis water. This decision ended up being a financially wise decision.

M. Dairy Farm: Nogyo Kyosai Dairy Association
Location: Kushiro, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. M. Sugiyama

1. The use of alkali water has considerably reduced the number of sick cows and dramatically improved the overall health condition.
2. The farm has not measured all the positive effects brought about by the alkali water but on the other hand have not experienced any negative effects.
3. One noticeable difference was their improved digestion.

N. Dairy Farm: Okura Ranch
Location: Asahi-kawa, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. Y. Okura

1. The alkali water has produced healthier cows. There were no changes to the diet or the environment but the cows became healthier.
2. Increased their monthly sales by $20,000.00 through increased milk output. (NOTE: There were no other comparative numbers provided to determine the actual increase in productivity levels.)

O. Dairy Farm: Aikawa Ranch
Location: Akan, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. M. Aikawa

1. The odors that are normally present in the urine and excrements were dramatically reduced.
2. The birthrate was considerably increased by the increase in fertility rate and the minimizing of stillborn calves.
3. There was a dramatic increase in milk production.
4. This farm is utilized as a model ranch in the use of alkali water.

P. Dairy Farm: Mitani Ranch
Location: Yubari, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. K. Mitani

1. Experienced 100% fertility and birth rates through artificial insemination.

Q. Dairy Farm: Ueda Ranch
Location: Akan, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. T. Ueda

1. The fortified calcium through the electrolysis water has strengthened the legs of the cows.
2. Due to the dramatically improved health conditions, the quality of the milk has improved.
3. In the long run, the use of alkali water is a totally economical approach to the dairy industry.

R. Dairy Farm: Yamatani Ranch
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. M. Yamatani

1. The quality and quantity of the milk has improved considerably.
2. Considerably minimized the sickness rate of each cow.

3. Minimized diarrhea conditions.
4. An overall improvement was noted in every aspect of the dairy cow equating to better economic conditions.

S. Dairy Farm: Yamamoto Ranch
Location: Amashio, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. Yamatani

1. The milk output had increased from 317 tons to 393 tons or an increase of 24.0%
2. The cow became fertile with one month of giving birth.
3. There was a substantial reduction in the number of veterinary visits.
4. There was a noticeable increase in their appetites.

T. Dairy Farm: Saida Ranch
Location: Shirahata, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. K. Saida
1. The milk output had increased from 8,641 kg to 10,177kg, an increase of 17.8%

U. Dairy Farm: Fukagawa Ranch
Location: Joro, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. E. Fukagawa

1. There was a substantial reduction to the number of veterinary visits.
2. Reduced the swelling rate of the cow's legs.
3. Reduced the rate of external wounds caused by suction cups.

Pennsylvania Study Report!

Increasing Dairy Milk Production With Electrolyzed Drinking Water --from "Medical News Today" --19 Mar 2008

Many different approaches are being used to increase milk production of dairy cows. A study recently completed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) indicates that improving drinking water through a technology created by EAU Technologies, has the potential to produce the desired results.
Penn Vet worked with EAU Technologies, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: EAUI), a leading provider of Electrolyzed Water - EMPOWERED WATER(TM) - for high- volume, business-to-business applications, for the controlled study. Dairy cows from Penn Vet's New Bolton Center campus were divided into two groups. One group's drinking water was electrolyzed, alkaline water and the control group was given regular well water. At the end of the 12-week test period, the Holstein cows showed an increase in milk production and an increase in milk fat content as well as a reduction in milk urea nitrogen.
"The electrolysis process improves the antioxidant and pH balance of the drinking water. The blood samples analyzed from the two groups indicates that the cows drinking the electrolyzed water showed differences in acid-base balance. We suspect that cows drinking the electrolyzed water had an increase in rumen activity and effectiveness; which in turn may explain the marked increased in milk butterfat," explained Dr. James Ferguson, Chief of Animal Production Systems, Department of Clinical Studies, New Bolton Center. "At the same time, the study indicated an increase in milk production for early lactating cows. The cows in the treated water group also drank more water and consumed about the same amount of feed. Bacterial Coliform levels within the EAU troughs also were significantly reduced."
The study is one of several EAU is conducting in a range of 30 to 3,000 herd dairies to measure the effectiveness of Empowered Water for milk production. As part of the Penn Vet study, in addition to the pH increase, EAU also developed a proprietary method of creating and controlling the level of measurable antioxidants in the water to better match the antioxidant conditions of a healthy cow's primary digestive system. And the EAU water also cleans the drinking water. Water samples collected from the troughs over the course of the study showed the EAU treated water was consistently negative for coliform organisms such as E. coli and other bacteria. Blood chemistry tests conducted also showed that blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, magnesium and chloride levels were lower in treated cows than those part of the control group.
"We know there are many factors that influence milk output and quality. By conducting tests in a variety of dairy settings, we believe we are gaining invaluable experience, application knowledge and acquiring accurate data to show that our Empowered Water(TM) can be an effective, natural solution, capable of impacting positive returns on milk and butterfat production. And, most importantly, benefit the overall health of the cow," added Wade Bradley, President and CEO of EAU Technologies. "This model directly mirrors EAU's business focus on providing our target industries, with high volume, robust and environmentally sound solutions."
The Penn Vet study is the first of the trial studies to be completed. Results will be published later this year. The remainder of the studies is expected to conclude over the next several months.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

A New Water Technology for Horses!


Arabian Mare
In loving memory of world-renowned Arabian mare I M Ali.

Water is an important but often overlooked nutrient for horses.

As a matter of fact, water—the often forgotten food—may be the “greatest medicine” for many specific ailments for all animals.
A horse’s body consists approximately of about 65-75 percent water. The 10 percent discrepancy can be accounted for by differences in age and amount of body fat and muscle mass.
Water is critical for all body metabolic activities, and is required for a number of fundamental physiological processes, including normal utilization and digestion of all nutrients, regulation of body temperature, and muscle contraction with strength, joint lubrication and waste elimination.
Source water has many toxic chemicals. Salts in water may be toxic at high levels and reduce palatability. Substances that are toxic without much effect on palatability include nitrates and fluorine, as well as salts of various heavy metals. Nitrates and Fluorine are found in both well and city water sources. The source water can also be contaminated with nitrates, lye, ammonia, and chlorine.
Hardness of water is actually caused by inorganic calcium and magnesium. There are many microorganisms in our water supply that can cause animal health problems. Other possible contaminants include coccidia, staph, strep, virus, lepto, etc. Chemicals found in water could be detrimental to livestock production.
Safe levels of herbicides and pesticides in water for animals have not been determined at this moment in time. New technology creating premium drinking water for horses is now available in the United States and eliminates the toxic chemicals in source water.

The Case For Kangen Water®!

Most impurities and chlorine from your source water are removed and the water is electrolyzed and loaded with huge amounts of antioxidants -- plus it is highly alkaline.
This amazing technology was discovered in 1950 by the Russians and introduced to the Japanese around 1974. Since then the Japanese have perfected the technology. Substantial evidence and testimonials of health benefits began to accumulate, and Kangen Water® has become the standard water treatment in approximately 20% of the households in Japan.
At present, this is the greatest water purification technology worldwide for both people and livestock. Water requirements for horses are influenced by several factors, including rate of weight gain, pregnancy, lactation, and activity, type of diet, feed intake, and environmental temperature. A horse's body is made up of about 75 - 80 gallons of water on the average. We know that muscles, tendons, and the tissues in a horse are fairly delicate and the quality of those tissues will result in a horse’s performance and their resistance to injury.
Does it surprise you that the quality and quantity of water that a horse consumes is a crucial part of this equation? Kangen Water® technology is now available for horses and other livestock with the Super SD 501 and they too can enjoy the health benefits of this miracle water.
The countless benefits of restructured micro-clustered alkaline, antioxidant-charged water has been amazing for horses and other livestock just as it has been for millions of families worldwide:
  • Used as a preventative against degenerative disease such as arthritis and OCD
  • Promotes optimum hydration into the cells
  • Most powerful antioxidant in the world known at this time
  • Increases energy naturally
  • Assists in the management and prevention of metabolic disorders such as Tying up, Colic, Lameness, Laminitis, Stocking Up, and Insulin Resistance
  • Used as a preventative against ulcers and the repair of Ulcers
  • Hoof and Hair growth improves
  • Reduces carbohydrate overload into the intestines caused by acidosis.
  • Maintains a healthy gut
  • Avoid Scratches, White Line Disease and Hives.


Horse Nutrition and Horse feed!


As you know, the Internet is overflowing with information about horse nutrition and horse feed which makes it hard for the horse owner to make a decision about which feed they should use in their feeding program.
The decision must be made to either feed horses a cool diet or a hot diet. A cool diet typically consist of Timothy hay, Bermuda and Orchard grass with a low starch feed i.e. Cool Stance by Stance Equine, Purina Mills Ultium Horse Health or Well Being, or else Triple Crown Feed that has several quality low starch feeds within their line.
These are just a few names of the many manufacturers now making low starch feed today. Various health problems can come about when our horses are fed a higher acidic diet, and those problems are commonly referred to as the five man made diseases (colic, ulcers, laminitis, navicular, and tying up).
It must be noted that regardless if you feed a cool diet or a hot diet horses naturally, through the process of digestion of their food, produce acidic waste. In other words, a hotter diet produces more acidic waste than a cool diet.

The Problem with Today's Horse Feed!

Top nutritional researchers and Dr. Tim Kempton of Stance Equine, agree there is one undeniable fact; the modern high Non Structural Carbohydrate (NSC) horse feeds are causing serious metabolic disorders in horses, similar to obesity and Type II diabetes in humans. Non Structural Carbohydrate (NSC) is the common term used to simplify the sugar and starch content of the feed, i.e. the digestible carbohydrates. NSC was initially used to describe the sugar and starch in dairy cow feeds.
Just recently, it has been recognized that horses are not designed to digest high levels of sugar and starch, and that the NSC levels in horse feed were not being measured. When horses digest sugar and starch in the stomach and intestines, and absorb glucose, they also release insulin from the pancreas to help the uptake of glucose into cells, i.e. the cells are sensitive to insulin.
When high levels of NSC are fed, the cells become resistant to insulin, i.e. the horse is insulin resistant, and blood glucose levels rise. Insulin resistance is associated with metabolic disorders including laminitis, EMS, Cushings, colic. High NSC feeds (>12% NSC) are also related to tying up.
Modern horses are being overfed in high NSC feeds, and under-worked. The question therefore is “Are you killing your horse with kindness”?

Today these benefits are available for your horse when you choose the Super 501 model by Enagic® which is the Gold Standard of ionizers.

This unit makes 7 types of water.
super 501

When horses and livestock drink restructured micro clustered water it allows the smaller clusters of molecules to be easily absorbed into the cells, and effectively neutralize the lactic acids (acidic waste) which are then washed out of the body, therefore allowing the body to heal itself and prevent future disease.
It is our goal to educate and provide relevant, easy to understand information backed by science that helps horse owners understand the alkaline/acid balance.
Horses really enjoy the taste of alkaline water. Simply change the drinking water to promote and intensify greater health benefits by them drinking more of the right type of water. Horses are a huge investment and many of us are honored to be their stewards in charge of their wellbeing. We owe it to our horses to keep them in the best physical condition and protect their health with this premium alkaline micro-clustered water.
The Super 501, pictured above, is a great solution and asset for your cows and or horses with its ability to make all 7 types of water. This machine was designed and built for commercial uses such as for hotels, restaurants, Farms and the like.
For more information regarding the applications of Strong Acid and Strong Alkaline properties in regards to hotels and restaurants, be sure to read the L.A. Times Article posted on this site.

Alkaline, Strong Acid and Strong Kangen Water Applications!

  • Thrush (2.5 pH Strong Acid Water)
  • Lacerations and Wounds (2.5 pH has natural anti-botic properties)
  • Ringworm (2.5 pH Strong Acid Water kills on contact)
  • Scratches (2.5 pH natural antibiotic properties)
  • Fungus (2.5 pH kills on contact)
  • Colic (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Ulcers (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Tying Up (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Laminitis (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Founder (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Autoimmune Disease (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Diabetes (9.5 pH drinking water)
  • Inflammation (9.5 pH drinking water and 11.5 applied to the swollen area.
We cannot state per se that our Kangen Water® will heal or treat any of these conditions.
In spite of this, there is a large body of evidence to substantiate the fact that a body with a correct alkaline/acid balance is enhanced and better equipped to inhibit many diseases. There is also much proof supporting the value of large doses of antioxidants and this water is quickly becoming well known for having the highest amount of any other liquid or vitamin to date in the marketplace.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Look at The pH Level of Most Beverages!

Are you aware of what you are drinking?

These two charts show both the pH and ORP levels of most common drinks. Notice that a great majority are acidic and oxidizing. Only Kangen Water® has the highest anti-oxidant and alkaline properties!


Watch a demo to see for yourself.
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Why We Need To Drink Kangen Water™


Your bodies # 1 cry is to be hydrated. Hydration is absolutely essential to help maintain optimal health. There have been many books written on this subject alone. Our bodies are composed of 75% water that needs to be continually replaced in order to flush out toxins and to properly hydrate our 75 Trillion cells.  Hydrating your cells and flushing out toxins and acid with Kangen water is the #1 thing you can do to keep you on the road to health.

Have you ever wondered why some people age slowly as others age more quickly?  It is hard to dispute that our genes play a large role in this; however there is a great deal we can do to increase our quality of life.  For starters, by simply choosing differently what we put in our mouths, can significantly counter the aging process.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  We can dramatically slow the aging process as well as live healthier lives by simply eliminating toxins, acids, and certain bad foods and incorporating life giving foods and life giving water.

Get more understanding right here:
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Call us now to begin getting FREE water in the Longview area to taste and see for yourself how you can Change your water and Change your life! Tm