An excellent article by
James von Feldt, PH. D.
and Scalpels Do Not Cure Chronically Unhealthy Behavior.
“Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh What a
Relief It Is?”
you remember the old commercial? It was popular years ago.
made it popular was that it went right to the heart of an emerging health issue
which now has grown to epidemic proportions. The symptom that the
commercial addresses is acid reflux, heartburn or sometimes called stomach
discomfort. The underlying cause is too much acid in your
body. This is more serious than most people understand.
human body is designed to fix itself through endless checks and balances – all
without asking you; it does it because if it doesn’t take action you will
die. This LIFE OR DEATH principle is especially apparent
with the body’s acid/alkaline balance.
body continually monitors and instantly responds to even the slightest variance
in the acidity in your blood. If the blood becomes too alkaline the body makes a
correction. If the body becomes too acid the body goes into action
to correct that problem. Why you ask, does it do this?
The answer: if the balance gets even a slight bit off, serious
life-threatening events begin. In other words, your life span is
seriously reduced by premature death.
amazing and great news is that your body has a number of processes it can call
on to re-balance the blood into a working range; again, without asking
you. The body’s unwavering standard is a range of pH between 7.3
and 7.4; anything outside that pH range calls for EMERGENCY BODILY ACTION TO
scale of pH measurement ranges from 0 (extremely acid) to 14 (extremely
alkaline). A neutral pH would be 7.0
you can see the required human blood range 7.3 – 7.4 pH is alkaline.
Another thing to understand about
the pH scale is that it is not linear. It is exponential; that is,
for each point greater in number it increases by a factor of 10.
So a 7.4 alkaline is 10 times more potent than a 7.3 and a 7.5 is 10
times 10, or 100 times more potent than 7.3. These numbers get big very fast
with a small change in pH.
body has a system called the buffering system that compensates when your blood
gets out of balance. This is good news and bad news.
The bad news is that with each action the buffering system takes
something essential from the body.
way of compensation has to do with your breathing. The body, when
sensing danger in your acid/alkaline balance will trigger your rate of
respiration almost to a point of hyper-ventilation. The chemical
exchanges between carbon dioxide and oxygen in your lungs cause a reaction that
will help balance the blood pH. However, the high respiration rate
also has side effects which are not good for your long term health.
If the
acid intake is too severe for the respiration fix, your body uses
alkaline-forming minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, potassium and
sodium. These minerals work in the blood, lymphatic system,
inter-cellular, and extra-cellular fluids to bind acids and are removed through
a process using the liver and kidney then move out of your body as sweat and or
is the good news. The bad news is that you are depleting essential
nutrients setting the stage for another health crisis due to mineral depletion –
again, resulting in a reduced life span and reduced quality of life.
See how delicately balanced all the requirements of your body are?
It is marvelously made and complex beyond our understanding.
you are born your body is as close to perfect as it will ever be.
Your mother and father’s nutrition provided your health.
From the time you were born until today many factors determine your
current health, your future health and lifespan.
is defined at the cellular level; that is, if your cells die you are
dead. If your cells are healthy and vibrant you are healthy and
full of energy. If, on the other hand, your cells are struggling
to barely exist you are struggling along falling prey to one health crisis after
water, food, exercise, spirituality and community all contribute to the healthy
life of the cell: all are important, let’s consider the importance
of drinking alkaline water as the foundation.
Common drinking water that is even
slightly acidic is detrimental to your health, well-being and length of
life. Most bottled water purchased at the store is acidic, full of
active Oxidants and puts stress on your body. Your life, if you
are a typical American, is full of beverages some are acidic to the
extreme: coffee, caffeine, soda, alcohol, milk, sport drinks, tea
and anything with high fructose corn syrup.
the most common of drinks today, is deadly acidic. It is 2.5 pH;
almost equivalent to battery acid. Want to know why you get a rush
from a bottle of Mountain Dew? It’s because your body is
panicking. It has sensed that “HE IS TRYING TO KILL HIMSELF --
WE HAVE TO RESPOND TO THIS EMERGENCY”: that’s when you feel the rush.
The minerals, calcium, magnesium etc are pulled out of the bone and
tissues – even heart muscle and brain cells to counteract this act of
takes 32 ounces of 9.5 pH alkaline water to neutralize 1 ounce of soda; it’s
that potent.
In my
opinion every can of pop should have a scull and cross bones depicting the
seriousness of this poison.
natural process of metabolism at the cell level produces acid by-products
and pushes them into the extra-cellular fluids. Put another way:
acids are created by the process of life inside the cell. The acid
by-products move from the cell into the fluids outside and between the
cells. When the fluid between the cells becomes saturated with
acid, the by-products within the cells become concentrated creating a toxic
environment which can cause disease such as heart disease, cancer and
time, with the American diet, the majority of the body fluids (about 70% of the
fluids in the body – not blood) drop below the critical blood pH range (too
acidic). All of the cells become bogged down in fluids too acidic
to allow the body to function at its best. The extra-cellular
fluids feed into the blood system by way of the lymphatic system causing a
chronic rise in blood pH: all systems in the body are
compromised. The Lymphatic system and its process of clearing out
fluids from between the cells is hyper-critical in maintaining your immune
your body is constantly loosing calcium to the buffering system it cannot
fulfill all the many missions required by the cells of the body; one of which is
to build strong bones, another is to facilitate the beating of your
Osteoporosis is endemic in our over
60 population and is now showing up in children. At the turn of
the last century it was an oddity to find the diagnosis now it is common; so
common that specific drugs have been developed for this health crisis.
However, now we are told that one of the many side effects of the drug
(which itself is acidic) stops new bone cells from forming and makes existing
bones brittle and easier to break. OOPS!
are many foods rich in calcium. Americans are reportedly the
highest consumers of calcium products in the world and yet are in the worst
shape. Why can’t people get enough calcium to maintain good
health? The answer is in the acidic drinks we drink, the acidic
food we eat, the stressful lifestyles we lead, and the acidic state of our
bodily fluids.
over 50 have an inordinate number of health problems with their thyroid.
One main function of the thyroid gland is to control metabolism.
Metabolism, determines the burn rate of the food in each
cell. If you have an under-producing thyroid gland your metabolism
can become sluggish (you have low energy levels) and you gain weight
mineral iodine is essential to your thyroid. Your iodine reserves,
like your calcium reserves, become depleted over time when your pH stays out of
balance (too acidic). This is one reason why diet soda that
contains zero calories indirectly cause weight gain. The soda
contains phosphoric acid creating an acid emergency leaching out, among other
minerals, the iodine the thyroid needs to function.
Antibiotics kill bad
bacteria. Unfortunately they can’t tell good bacteria from bad
bacteria so it kills as many as the dosage has the strength to kill.
The reason antibiotics are used is because your immune system has been
compromised and no longer can defend your body against the attack of the bad
bacteria. The first thing you should do in this case is rebuild
your immune system to take its place as first defense against all kinds of
health problems.
bring this up as medical practitioners are using antibiotics for almost any
problem – much at the insistence of the patient. The result is a
huge mass of dead bacteria in the body. Dead bacteria debris is
acidic and adds to the high acid level in the extra-cellular fluids (between the
cells) as well as the blood. Your lymph system is over-loaded
trying to counter the effect. Your liver and kidneys are
stressed. Your buffer systems are over worked.
is hard to deal with. Chemo therapy is the process of introducing
potent poisons into your system to kill cells - some of which are
cancerous. It literally takes you to the edge of death on
purpose. Again, like antibiotics but on a colossal scale, the
destruction does not apply only to cancer cells but every kind of cell in
you. Most importantly, the immune cells in your body, the
system which normally destroy cancer are destroyed in the process.
Once your immune system is critically compromised you will surely have a
recurrence of the cancer. There is nothing left to stop it.
Cancer doctors deem a 60 month life span after chemo treatment to be
Chemotherapy does not claim to cure
cancer or to correct the cause of cancer in your body. It is a
destructive therapy to buy you time.
In the
mean time, what happens to all the cells destroyed in the process?
That’s right; they are dead debris floating all over in your body
creating a very high acidic state of toxicity which is itself a pre-cursor to
causing cancer. Cancer must have an acidic environment without
oxygen to thrive. Your lymph system‘s function is to clear the
debris out. If you find yourself in this state you need to hydrate
with alkaline fluids and work the debris out of your system with
individual is unique. Your health and nutritional needs are unique
to you, your history and your future.
future health is clearly a product of your action to gain and maintain health as
well as the avoidance of health destruction activities.
have seen the following results from drinking Ionized Alkaline water myself and
in observing the results in others.
energy Reduced hip pain
reflux gone Reduced Knee
loss Greater
thinking Reduced Glaucoma to
normal numbers
Mental attitude Neuritis of the feet and
legs resolved
Cholesterol numbers Resolved Liver
Blood sugar numbers Greater walking
Blood pressure Gaul bladder problems
Reduced arthritis
pain Kidney stones dissolved
Reduced lower back
pain Gout eliminated
Diuretic effects
And more, much more…….
HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE: Drink 1/2 oz of Kangen Ionized
Alkaline Water per pound of your body weight EVERY DAY.
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